Combat the Effects of Stress with PEMF!

The very presence of life means that stress is also present. The recognition of and the reaction to

stressors is fundamental to physical and emotional existence.


The original human need for a stress response was adaptive, called the "fight or flight" response. Typically, this response allowed us to engage a threat, such as an attacking animal. In modern civilization, however, the most common daily stressors are minor psychological events, such as an angry client on the telephone, or the tension of driving in heavy traffic. Even these seemingly minor occurrences produce a low-level "fight or flight" reaction in the body. The cumulative or chronic occurrence of these stressors does not allow adequate or full recovery and results in many of modern civilization's health problems.


Many believe that a healthy human body could be able to live as long as 120 years before organs

gradually slow down and stop. Stress accelerates the decline by actually damaging some organs and

accelerating the wear and tear on others. It is easy to see how this chronic state of stress may accelerate

aging and cause heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, arthritis, fatigue, immune problems, adjustment disorders, and anxiety and depression. Many physicians believe that 70 to 90 percent of the problems they treat are due to stress.


The good news is that PEMF therapy prevents chronic stress. Studies show that when used consistently, PEMF therapy can bring about pain relief and a state of relaxation, while promoting numerous health benefits at the same time.


Many use PEMF (Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field) therapy is for relaxation, as PEMFs have been proven to bring the mind and body into a state of relaxation, also aiding in the improvement of sleep. PEMF therapy also can prevent an imbalance in the immune system, because it stimulates advanced cellular function. When your cells are healthy, your body is in a state of healthy balance called homeostasis.


Our fast-paced world and lifestyles do not allow the body time to adjust to varying stress levels and return to a normal relaxed state on its own.  Using PEMF therapy we can give back to the body, relieve pain and inflammation, and create a healing environment within the body.  This leads to greater relaxation, increased quality of sleep, increased energy, and a general overall feeling of well-being. 


It’s the way we are supposed to feel – the way we were born to feel – every single day of our lives.


Don’t let stress wreck your health, mental and physical. Make an appointment to improve your quality of life today!


A Stronger Immune System with PEMF!

At Pulse Center of Ocala, we are committed to supporting the health of our community throughout the current threat of illness from coronavirus COVID-19.  The nature of our therapy setting ensures that there is no interaction between clients so that social distancing measures can be continued while receiving wellness support with PEMF therapy. So how can we help you stay well during this time of uncertainty?

PEMF and Immune System

Keeping your immune system strong is not easy these days. It is bombarded with negative influences, and counteracting these requires a mindful effort.

Our immune system is our main defense against possible pathogens, but it can also be very fragile. If we do not take good care of it through nutrition, exercise, supporting a healthy mind, etc., it will weaken, and fail to perform its duty properly.

Another way in which we can strengthen the immune system is with PEMF therapy. Numerous studies have proven a correlation between PEMF therapy and a stronger immune system, so let’s take some time and learn more about it. 

What Is the Immune System?

The immune system is a system of defenses in our body, composed of many types of proteins, cells, tissues, and even organs. Its crucial role is to fend off attacks from viruses, bacteria, parasites, and other harmful organisms that we encounter on a daily basis. Its main weapon, but not the only one, is white blood cells. These cells move through our blood and tissue, constantly fighting off pathogens.

Neutrophils are another type of immune cells; these are among the first ones to reach the site of infection, and play a crucial role in healing it. 

White Blood Cells

White blood cells are also known as leukocytes. These are primarily located in lymphatic and blood vessels, and constantly circulate throughout the body. When they spot a potential target, they start multiplying and sending signals to cells of the same type to engage, as well.

Our body has four so-called lymphoid organs, where all of our white blood cells are stored. These are:

§ Lymph nodes – These small glands are spread throughout the body, and connect to each other via lymphatic vessels.

§ Spleen – This is an organ that functions as the blood’s filter. It is located in the upper left part of the abdomen.

§ Bone marrow – Located inside the bones, this produces both white and red blood cells.

§ Thymus – A gland located above the lungs and just below the neck.

There are also two main types of white blood cells:

§ Lymphocytes – This type of white blood cells allows our body to remember familiar pathogens if they attack again, and deploy defense

§ Phagocytes – This type of white blood cells attacks pathogens and destroys them, eventually, essentially, eating them.


Immune System Disorders

Immune system disorders are just as complex as the immune system itself.

However, we can group them into three main categories:

§ Immunodeficiencies – Can be caused by obesity, age, alcoholism, disease, and so on.

§ Hypersensitivity – The immune system overreacts and attacks healthy tissue. Anaphylactic shock is an example.

§ Autoimmunity – The immune system cannot differentiate between the body’s tissue and foreign tissue, and attacks healthy cells. This disorder causes type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and so on. 

Strengthening the Immune System

The good news is that we can strengthen our immune system and keep it in good shape if we maintain some healthy habits.

Key ones are:

§ Get eight hours of sleep – Sleep deprivation can have detrimental effects on the immune system.

§ Avoid drinking alcohol – A glass of wine or a bottle of beer will harm you, but too much of it will weaken your immune system.

§ Eat nutritious foods – Eat a diverse diet rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

§ Spend time outside – Sunlight promotes the production of vitamin D, which impacts the immune system positively.

§ Use PEMF therapy – PEMF therapy has very beneficial effects on the immune system, as numerous studies prove. 

PEMF Therapy and Immune System

PEMF therapy works at the cellular level to provide its benefits. Unlike many other treatment methods, it does not favor one type of cells over another. Certain PEMF therapy settings are better for any given specific type of cells, but in general, PEMF therapy can benefit all the body’s cells equally.

The immune system is a system of cells that play the same role within the body. Like any other type of cell, they can become fatigued and dysfunctional, which is when infections and diseases happen. PEMF therapy can help us recharge our white blood cells, and keep them in optimal condition at all times. PEMF has highly beneficial effects on neutrophils, which are, along with leukocytes, the immune system’s main weapon in fighting pathogens. Numerous studies have been conducted to examine the link between the two, one of which, especially, caught our eye. 

A Study on PEMF and the Immune System

A study was conducted in 2002, at the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Pharmacology Unit, University of Ferrara in Italy, that examined the effects of low-frequency PEMF therapy on A2A adenosine receptors in human neutrophils.

The study’s principal investigators were Varani K, Merighi S, Gessi S, Cattabriga E, Iannota V, Cadossi R, Spisani S, and Borea PA. (1)

The study participants were split into two groups – the control group, and the PEMF-treated group.  Before the study, a series of tests were performed to establish the adherence of the participants to the study’s requirements. A high-affinity adenosine antagonist was used to perform saturation experiments, and establish that there is one class of receptors both in the control and in the PEMF-treated group.

After one hour of exposure to PEMF stimulation, the density of binding sites was dramatically increased (P<0.01). This effect was most prominent in A2A adenosine receptors. It is also important to note that the effects were dependent on the temperature, intensity, and time. The A2A receptor agonists in the adenylyl cyclase assays, NECA and HE-NECA, improved the accumulation of cyclic AMP in untreated human neutrophils with an EC50 value of 43 (40 – 47) and 255 (228 – 284) nM, respectively. After the exposure to PEMF therapy, the ability of NECA and HE-NECA to stimulate cyclic AMP levels increased (P<0.01). NECA and HE-NECA also inhibited a generation of O2- (superoxide anion) in human neutrophils not treated with PEMF. Moreover, in those neutrophils treated with PEMF, the same compound shows a much lower value.

These results tell us that PEMF therapy leads to a significant change in the functionality and in the expression of adenosine A2A receptors, which can have a benefit the immune system greatly.

Please call our office for more information on how YOU can support your body's natural defenses!

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Miserable with Migraines?

What is a migraine?

A migraine is considered a headache that can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on one side or part of the head. It's often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

What causes migraine headaches?

Though migraine causes aren't fully understood, genetics and environmental factors appear to play a role. Triggers of migraine are generally classified as physical or emotional. Emotional triggers such as stress, depression, anxiety, excitement, and shock can trigger a migraine. Physical causes such as tiredness or insufficient sleep, shoulder or neck tension, poor posture, injury, and physical overexertion have all been linked to migraines. Low blood sugar and jet lag can also act as triggers.

How can PEMF therapy at the Pulse Center of Ocala help someone with migraines?

Because of the enigmatic pathophysiology of the migraine (causes and even symptoms vary often without reason), it is difficult to determine exactly how PEMF therapy causes such dramatic relief for the participants in the majority of studies conducted.  The cells of the brain rely on electromagnetic impulses to regulate function, which means PEMF therapy creates an environment in the brain in which the cells are stimulated to optimum function.

In 1999, after a series of double-blind placebo-controlled experiments, it was established that PEMF therapy significantly reduced pain from migraine headache in 85% of participants, as well as that in 75% of participants reported a significant decrease in headache activity over the month following the exposure to PEMF.

Don’t let another migraine slow you down – call us for an appointment!


Enjoy Life Without Back/Neck/Joint Pain!

It’s summer, which means many of us are wanting to get out and have some fun with friends and family! Unfortunately, back/neck/joint pain can be a real wet towel on your summer adventures.  The good news is that we can help!

Common causes of back/neck pain:

•             Acute injury/spinal trauma

•             Viruses

•             Osteoporosis

•             Congenital abnormalities

•             Natural degeneration of the spine

•             Sciatica

•             Spinal stenosis

•             Fibromyalgia

•             Stress/tension


Common causes of joint pain:

•             Acute injury

•             Bursitis, or inflammation of the joints

•             Arthritis (osteo/rheumatoid)

•             Tendonitis

•             Gout

With so many options, the source of back/neck/joint pain isn’t always obvious, but the pain should never be ignored. However, treatments can be expensive, ineffective, and sometimes even dangerous.

How can PEMF therapy at Pulse Center of Ocala help?

The pulsating electromagnetic field has a healing effect on muscles, ligaments, bones, and cartilage. PEMF’s treatment for back pain works on a cellular level. The pulsating current can alter cellular signals stimulating cellular repairs. Many studies completed over the last 40 years have demonstrated the effectiveness of PEMF therapy for back pain and healing soft tissue wounds, suppressing inflammatory responses at the cell membrane level to alleviate pain and increase range of motion.

This occurs WITHOUT the dangerous side effects of popular medical pain relief treatments like corticosteroids, muscle relaxants, and narcotic pain relievers.

 Call us to help you enjoy your life pain-free!


Put Arthritis Pain Behind You!

Arthritis is no fun, but we can help!

So, what exactly is arthritis? Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints. It can affect one joint or multiple joints. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, with different causes and treatment methods. Two of the most common types are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Osteoarthritis causes cartilage — the hard, slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones where they form a joint — to break down. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that first targets the lining of joints (synovium).

Although over 54 million adults suffer from the symptoms of arthritis, there is hope for relief and healing with PEMF therapy!

Because PEMF exerts an anti-inflammatory effect on the cells, it has been widely accepted that PEMF is an effective therapy for pain reduction and management for those suffering with arthritis. 

However, the past decade of studies shows that regular sessions of PEMF therapy not only alleviate the symptoms of painful arthritis diseases, but also can reverse the effects altogether. In 2009, after numerous trials comparing PEMF, analgesics, and placebo, the Journal of Experimental Biology published a review that concludes that the use of PEMF for arthritis cure has conclusively shown that PEMF not only alleviates the pain in the arthritis condition, but also facilitates in bone remodeling and cartilage regeneration. PEMF should be considered as a viable alternative for arthritis therapy.

This means that PEMF therapy not only works to alleviate pain, but to erase the symptoms of arthritis for good!

Don’t let arthritis slow you down for one more day! Call for an appointment! 


Combat the Effects of Osteoporosis!

Osteoporosis is one of the most common ailments that affects the general population of people over 50. Worldwide, 1 in 3 women over the age of 50 years will be diagnosed with osteoporosis, and 1 in 5 men will experience osteoporotic fractures in their lifetime. Unfortunately, many medications used to treat osteoporosis have many side effects that can cause just as many issues as the disease itself.    

Osteoporosis, which literally means porous bone, is a disease in which the density and quality of bone are reduced. As bones become more porous and fragile, the risk of fracture is greatly increased. The loss of bone occurs silently and progressively. Often there are no symptoms until the first fracture occurs.

The cause of osteoporosis can range from digestive disorders to mental disorders and is often not limited to just one.  The most common contributors to the development of osteoporosis are hormonal issues, autoimmune disorders, cancer and invasive treatment, neurological disorders, depression, thyroid issues, and many more.

Multiple studies have proven that PEMF therapy not only prevents osteoporosis but also works to increase bone density, reversing the effects of osteoporosis. PEMF does this by stimulating the cells of the bones to create new bone tissue, which means bones are stronger and less brittle.

Since the 1990s NASA has used PEMF therapy to reverse bone density loss in astronauts that have spent extended amounts of time in environments without gravity. Pretty cool!

If you or someone you know is looking for a way to build stronger bones, give us a call!


PEMF and Diabetes

Here's an interesting statistic:  more than 30 million Americans – that’s over 10 percent of the U.S. population – are suffering with diabetes. That's a lot of folks!

Diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, is a chronic, lifelong disease that causes high levels of sugar in the blood. Most of us know that diabetes involves high blood sugar, but there are many other painful and life-threatening symptoms that accompany having this disease.  Blood sugar is an often-underestimated component of your health. Diabetes affects your body’s ability to produce or use insulin, a hormone that allows your body to turn glucose (sugar) into energy. Here’s what symptoms may occur to your body when diabetes takes effect.

·        Risk of stroke

·        Risk of heart disease

·        Risk of infection

·        Visual disturbances (cataracts/glaucoma)

·        Blood vessel damage

·        Nerve damage (neuropathy)

·        … among others

So, what does this have to do with PEMF therapy?

PEMF therapy protects neurons against apoptosis in cerebral ischemic stroke, protects ventricular contractivity (the heart’s ability to contract) even when under stress, has been proven to reverse effects of glaucoma and cataracts, and supports the immune system by giving cells the energy they need for optimum function.  Nerve and circulatory are increasingly common in people with diabetes, often requiring the amputation of limbs.  It has been proven that PEMF improves nerve function and microcirculation in patients with painful diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy.  In some cases, patients that were approaching a need for amputation regained feeling and circulation, rendering amputation unnecessary. 

Who do you know that suffers with the painful symptoms of diabetes? Tell them to call us at the Pulse Center of Ocala and ask about how PEMF therapy can help them!






Get fitter and stronger, faster with PEMF!

PEMF has been used for athletic performance and recovery for years by professional athletes, but it also benefits anyone looking to recover faster and build better performance when it comes to physical activity. 

How does PEMF pulse technology work to help us build better bodies?

First of all, any type of physical training produces injury in the body, whether minimal or extensive. It exhausts the body’s energy reserves, which then must be restored or replaced, often rapidly. Also, the process of building muscles involves developing micro-tears in the muscle fibers that the body repairs, building bigger and stronger muscle tissue.

PEMF acts to speed up recovery in the following ways:

·        improve circulation

·        accelerate tissue repair and healing

·        increase ATP energy production

·        improve cellular oxygenation, all lead to better condition

Introducing these factors into the recovery process leads to overall better conditioning and performance!

But don’t take our word for it!

“I love that I have a unit that can travel with me everywhere. I'll tell you what… PEMF has definitely made a difference. I am fascinated with the pulse.. and truly stand behind its ability.”

                                                                                          - Jake Arrieta, award winning Chicago Cubs pitcher

“I've used pulsed energy technologies for twelve years to help a number of injuries over my career. A lot of people know me for recovering from my injuries quickly, which is accredited to diet and cutting edge technologies. This is where pulsed energy comes into play.”

                                                                                          - Terrell Owens, NFL superstar


PEMF Pulse Therapy History 101

History lesson, anyone?

Here at the Pulse Center of Ocala, we have been enjoying getting into the history of how PEMF therapy has developed into the devices we use to help people suffering from a multitude of afflictions.  

The use of magnets and magnetic fields for healing goes back centuries, but it wasn't until Nikola Tesla's development of a pulsing electromagnetic device commonly referred to as "The Healing Field," that PEMF began to gain traction in the medical community.  His vision for the future included PEMF coils embedded into the walls of hospitals to create the most effective healing environment possible.  Lofty goal, but we would be on board! 

Fast-forward a hundred years and NASA begins using PEMF therapy on astronauts returning to Earth to treat lingering effects of sickness and bone/muscle loss from being away from Earth's gravity and magnetic field.  So cool!

Today, there are a plethora of modern studies on the effects of PEMF therapy on pain and disease, and we have just seen the tip of the iceberg of what the science of pulsed electromagnetic fields can do for our health!

Wouldn't YOU like to live with renewed energy, pain and disease-free? Call and make an appointment, today!


Who wants to talk about ED and incontinence?!

We have been having incredible things happening here at the Pulse Center of Ocala this spring! It is becoming well-known that one can expect to experience drug-free pain relief and healing from PEMF pulse therapy, but what many don't realize is that it doesn't stop there! 

There have been numerous studies of how PEMF therapy affects the symptoms of urinary incontinence, with results positive and consistent enough to earn FDA approval for urinary muscle stimulation.  We have seen firsthand how just a few sessions of PEMF pulse therapy can can alleviate symptoms for someone suffering with this inconvenient and embarrassing condition!    

Did someone say embarrassing and inconvenient condition? Mild and moderate erectile dysfunction affects approximately 10 percent of men per decade of life (i.e. 50 percent of men in their 50s, 60 percent of men in their 60s). That's a lot of men! Fortunately, we have a drug-free alternative that has been PROVEN to get function back when it counts!    

Let your last embarassing moment with ED or incontinence be your last! Try PEMF pulse therapy!

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