Get fitter and stronger, faster with PEMF!

PEMF has been used for athletic performance and recovery for years by professional athletes, but it also benefits anyone looking to recover faster and build better performance when it comes to physical activity. 

How does PEMF pulse technology work to help us build better bodies?

First of all, any type of physical training produces injury in the body, whether minimal or extensive. It exhausts the body’s energy reserves, which then must be restored or replaced, often rapidly. Also, the process of building muscles involves developing micro-tears in the muscle fibers that the body repairs, building bigger and stronger muscle tissue.

PEMF acts to speed up recovery in the following ways:

·        improve circulation

·        accelerate tissue repair and healing

·        increase ATP energy production

·        improve cellular oxygenation, all lead to better condition

Introducing these factors into the recovery process leads to overall better conditioning and performance!

But don’t take our word for it!

“I love that I have a unit that can travel with me everywhere. I'll tell you what… PEMF has definitely made a difference. I am fascinated with the pulse.. and truly stand behind its ability.”

                                                                                          - Jake Arrieta, award winning Chicago Cubs pitcher

“I've used pulsed energy technologies for twelve years to help a number of injuries over my career. A lot of people know me for recovering from my injuries quickly, which is accredited to diet and cutting edge technologies. This is where pulsed energy comes into play.”

                                                                                          - Terrell Owens, NFL superstar
