Enjoy Life Without Back/Neck/Joint Pain!

It’s summer, which means many of us are wanting to get out and have some fun with friends and family! Unfortunately, back/neck/joint pain can be a real wet towel on your summer adventures.  The good news is that we can help!

Common causes of back/neck pain:

•             Acute injury/spinal trauma

•             Viruses

•             Osteoporosis

•             Congenital abnormalities

•             Natural degeneration of the spine

•             Sciatica

•             Spinal stenosis

•             Fibromyalgia

•             Stress/tension


Common causes of joint pain:

•             Acute injury

•             Bursitis, or inflammation of the joints

•             Arthritis (osteo/rheumatoid)

•             Tendonitis

•             Gout

With so many options, the source of back/neck/joint pain isn’t always obvious, but the pain should never be ignored. However, treatments can be expensive, ineffective, and sometimes even dangerous.

How can PEMF therapy at Pulse Center of Ocala help?

The pulsating electromagnetic field has a healing effect on muscles, ligaments, bones, and cartilage. PEMF’s treatment for back pain works on a cellular level. The pulsating current can alter cellular signals stimulating cellular repairs. Many studies completed over the last 40 years have demonstrated the effectiveness of PEMF therapy for back pain and healing soft tissue wounds, suppressing inflammatory responses at the cell membrane level to alleviate pain and increase range of motion.

This occurs WITHOUT the dangerous side effects of popular medical pain relief treatments like corticosteroids, muscle relaxants, and narcotic pain relievers.

 Call us to help you enjoy your life pain-free!
