Combat the Effects of Stress with PEMF!

The very presence of life means that stress is also present. The recognition of and the reaction to

stressors is fundamental to physical and emotional existence.


The original human need for a stress response was adaptive, called the "fight or flight" response. Typically, this response allowed us to engage a threat, such as an attacking animal. In modern civilization, however, the most common daily stressors are minor psychological events, such as an angry client on the telephone, or the tension of driving in heavy traffic. Even these seemingly minor occurrences produce a low-level "fight or flight" reaction in the body. The cumulative or chronic occurrence of these stressors does not allow adequate or full recovery and results in many of modern civilization's health problems.


Many believe that a healthy human body could be able to live as long as 120 years before organs

gradually slow down and stop. Stress accelerates the decline by actually damaging some organs and

accelerating the wear and tear on others. It is easy to see how this chronic state of stress may accelerate

aging and cause heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, arthritis, fatigue, immune problems, adjustment disorders, and anxiety and depression. Many physicians believe that 70 to 90 percent of the problems they treat are due to stress.


The good news is that PEMF therapy prevents chronic stress. Studies show that when used consistently, PEMF therapy can bring about pain relief and a state of relaxation, while promoting numerous health benefits at the same time.


Many use PEMF (Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field) therapy is for relaxation, as PEMFs have been proven to bring the mind and body into a state of relaxation, also aiding in the improvement of sleep. PEMF therapy also can prevent an imbalance in the immune system, because it stimulates advanced cellular function. When your cells are healthy, your body is in a state of healthy balance called homeostasis.


Our fast-paced world and lifestyles do not allow the body time to adjust to varying stress levels and return to a normal relaxed state on its own.  Using PEMF therapy we can give back to the body, relieve pain and inflammation, and create a healing environment within the body.  This leads to greater relaxation, increased quality of sleep, increased energy, and a general overall feeling of well-being. 


It’s the way we are supposed to feel – the way we were born to feel – every single day of our lives.


Don’t let stress wreck your health, mental and physical. Make an appointment to improve your quality of life today!
